Banks, Finley, White & Co. is the premier public accounting firm in the southeast United States in the area of auditing and a multitude of services to state and local governments. Our clients consist of many of the larger cities in the south including the City of Atlanta, Georgia, and the City of Birmingham, Alabama.
Public trust within government is furthered through the issuance of audited financial statements. Our firm has maintained a long-term commitment to the public sector through the clients we serve as they seek to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities and through the various types of projects we have performed for them over the years.
Our experience in the public sector dates back to 1974 and remains today as one of the leading areas of service we provide. Over the years, we have assisted our government clients (municipalities, counties, school systems and public colleges and universities) in implementing major new accounting pronouncements.
Specific services provided our government clients include the following:
- Financial Statement Audits
- Preparation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports
- Uniform Guidance Single Audits
- Financial and Compliance Audits
- Cash Flow Management
- Operational Reviews
- Bond verification services
- Bond consent letters
- IT Systems review